Tuesday, September 1, 2015

On Tuesdays we write

It is the second Tuesday of my school year (the real one, with kids, not the fake one where just the adults are back at work) and I'm able to write a bit this morning.

This is sort of a big deal around my house as our desktop has crashed, leaving only my laptop to work with and a husband who seems to think he also needs some computer time.  ;)

I will say that this situation has caused me to do a bit of pondering on just HOW I can keep up my writing momentum until we get our desktop fixed (which may be a while because I've got a lot on my plate and the Mister will have to handle it).  I realize that I can do all the Internet stuff on my phone fairly well--you know, the mindless scrolling kind of thing---but I cannot write well on the phone.  I cannot work on my ancestry well on the phone.  These things require a different plan.

I've been reading a new-to-me book about writing, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. Brilliant stuff. It just so happens that today is the perfect day to begin one of her suggestions----writing a spiral notebook of stuff each month.  I went to Wal-Mart last night--ugh! I try to live in a state of gratefulness, y'all--I really, really do--but Wal-Mart is a total test of my patience and takes all the grace and mercy I possess which isn't always so very much on a Monday night.  Especially when you live in a small college town and ALL.THE.KIDS.ARE.BACK. But I digress...I came home with a lovely black and white polka dot spiral notebook with a red elastic band to keep it closed along with some gorgeous new flowy pens.  I will fill this spiral with writing.  Good writing. Bad writing. Gibberish writing if I have to---but it will be filled.

Today marks the beginning of a new month, and I am excited to start it off with a new plan that I hope will both jump start and  free my writing.  I'll keep y'all posted!


  1. I'll check out your link - sounds like an interesting book. I'm wondering how your spiral will be different from a typical writer's notebook?

    Also, I appreciated your aside about Walmart. I feel the same.

  2. Great plan! It's funny how much we rely on technology, but a spiral notebook is a perfect place for writing. Your aside about Walmart made me laugh - exactly how I feel about the place!

  3. Great plan! It's funny how much we rely on technology, but a spiral notebook is a perfect place for writing. Your aside about Walmart made me laugh - exactly how I feel about the place!
