One takeaway is to keep the daily writing habit going.There were a couple of days I knew I was just getting some words down; a short SFD, if you will. That's okay---I wrote. I made the commitment and I stuck to it. (It's okay if you had a different goal--but this was mine, and I'm proud I did it.) It created a disciplined daily habit that serves me far better than "waiting for my muse."
I met amazing people. I met you through you beautiful, funny, bittersweet, painful words. I met you in your day-to-day. I met you in your family's past. I met you on the page. You all inspire me more than you might know. Reading and commenting on the slices gave ME so much. Thank you for fearlessly sharing yourselves in this way.
I thank each of you who took the time to read my posts, and I thank each of you who commented. As I wrote about in one slice, writers write to share/connect/communicate. It is soul-nourishing to know something I wrote meant something to you. It spurs me onward.
April brings Camp NaNoWriMo, my carrot for daily writing in April. My blog goes back to its normal library-entric self, the greatest librarian conference (the Texas Library Association's conference, known simply as TLA)will whisk me from my daily life and off into the fabulous world of all things bookish & techie, and I'll mark another year walking this fine planet of ours. April will be busy and wonderful and filled with adventures to inspire writing.
I feel as though I'm leaving summer camp and want to hug all my new friends goodbye and tell you I can't wait to see you again next year.