Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Winning at F-A-I-L

I have the most amazing job in the universe.
And yesterday was just awful.
This does not make me love my job any less. Saying this does not make me a negative person.
It's just the real honest-to-gosh truth of my day.
Today will be better.

I believe in putting positivity out into the world.
I also believe in being real.  These are NOT mutually exclusive things.
I think it is especially important in this age of Instagram moments and Pinterest and look-at-how-awesome-this-is social media that we also remember to share our first attempt at learning moments.
Yeah, that spells F-A-I-L.

The problem is not with failing and acknowledging our fail----this is not a negative, folks.
The problem would be STAYING in that place.

Everything in the world (just about) that could go south yesterday, did indeed go south.
I want to share that with you for two reasons. One, I sorta need to vent/examine/feel my feelings so I can move forward and begin to see the humor in the sheer craptastic-ness of it, and two, I need you to know that I'm not winning all the time, and that is OKAY.

No one is winning all the time.
NO one is winning all the time.

Winning all the time doesn't happen.  It isn't real.  It is a facade.
However, when all everyone does is acknowledge only our winning moments it can SEEM like everyone else is winning all the time.  Except you.

Don't believe it, folks.
It isn't true.  That isn't how life works.
Not one of us can do everything in superhero mode all the time.

And that is okay.
And you are okay.
And I am okay.
And WE are okay.

It isn't negative to say,
         look--I'm struggling.
         hey, this didn't go so great.
         I tried, but I didn't love the way it went down.
It is real. 
Fail Forward.

That is one of the most positive things you can do.
I promise.


  1. The Power of Positive Thinking is the way to go! :-)
    I love that what you have written about failing and continuing to strive by examining the failure is what we all should be doing as reflective teachers - and that's very positive indeed.
    (PS: At a conference I went to, the acronymn F.A.I.L. was used in reverse, to show students that they should never give up if they fail as what it really means for them is that it is just their "first attempt in learning".)

  2. It was really good talking to you yesterday. It was a little soul healing for me. I hope your day is better! As I tell the students in the morning "Have a terrific Tuesday! Make it a great day!" Oh... and "Make good choices!"

    1. Thanks! It was SO good talking to you, too! :)

  3. I'm sorry that you had a cruddy day, but I love, love, love your post. I'm transitioning to a new grade this year and much of my battle has been mental. I've had to talk myself into realistic expectations and work really hard to acknowledge that screwing up is ok and that it's going to happen. I have to focus on those opportunities for learning and work on improving the next time! Thanks for sharing and for the positive attitude!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! YES! Transitions are hard--even when they are amazing! All the best to you!

  4. I'm sorry that you had a cruddy day, but I love, love, love your post. I'm transitioning to a new grade this year and much of my battle has been mental. I've had to talk myself into realistic expectations and work really hard to acknowledge that screwing up is ok and that it's going to happen. I have to focus on those opportunities for learning and work on improving the next time! Thanks for sharing and for the positive attitude!

  5. I agree, and it would be good for everyone to know - and live - that. I hope today was better, and imagine that it was, but we all have "those" days, and I guess we just get up and start again. Thanks for the reminder and this "These are NOT mutually exclusive things." about being real AND positive. Can happen!

    1. Thank you! Today WAS better. :) I appreciate your kind words!

  6. Exactly! "Fail Forward" - Love it!

  7. I want to add a link to a blog that I accidentally saw yesterday.
    http://www.cultofpedagogy.com/overachiever/ This speaks to me, large and out loud.

    1. what a great blogpost! Thank you for linking it---and YES! all day long to its content.
