Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I love Tuesdays!

Day 24 of the Slice of Life challenge.

I always look forward to Tuesdays.  You've made it past the Monday blues, and the alarm doesn't surprise you nearly as much on the second morning of the work week as it does the first. 

Tuesdays are also the day we host the #txlchat, a Twitter chat for Texas librarians (and anyone from anywhere who would like to join us!) I am so proud to be a co-moderator for this weekly chat.  It has been a real highlight of my professional career as it has given me the opportunity to build an incredible PLN filled with others who also view the library as a vital change-agent for this new age of learning.  The days of a completely closed off, always quiet, do-not-touch-my-books version of a library are l-o-n-g gone.  A school library should be the heart & hub of a school, and #txlchat helps me to share ideas and sharpen the saw and keep learning, growing, and moving into the future so that my students have a great place to think and dream, and learn and create and just BE in our library.

Tonight's chat will be especially important. The state library standards have been around for 10 years, and a revision is about to take place. In my district, we use these standards to build our end of year reports, to lobby the powers that be for adequate funding for books & technology, and to share what amazing things we have going on for our students and teachers.  These are incredibly important and I am excited not only to see what changes are in store, but to have a voice in those changes.  Tonight will be an opportunity to do just that!

We'd love to have you join us this week (and every week!).    


  1. Libraries are the hubs of democracy...I lived them as a child and still today. The changes...they are definitely not quiet...but they will lead! xo nanc

  2. I recently started joining #txlchat and have found them to be a great way to learn from other Texas librarians! I look forward to hearing more about TSLAC's standards tonight!

  3. Twitter chats have become such an incredible way for educators to share ideas and information and I cannot imagine my professional life without my Twitter PLN. I will have to check out this chat soon!
