Friday, March 17, 2017

adding calm to my day {solsc day 17}

It is the last workday of my spring break. It has been a good one--a much-needed respite from the hurry-scurry of the school year. I look forward to seeing all my kids again next week and I look forward to finishing up my genrefying process that has taken 2 million years to complete.

I have a list of things I need to do/complete before we go back--tasks I don't want to carry into next week when my free time becomes fairly non-existent. They won't be too painful and then that weight of tasks not-yet-done will be lifted before my final weekend of break begins.

I've had lunch with friends and time with both daughters and last night a date night with the hubs. I've had loads of thinking time, of decluttering time, of writing and reading and pondering time.  It has been lovely.

One of the main things I've been pondering is how to add more calm & joy to my mornings--and really, I guess, to my days in general.  A good hot soak is my go-to in the evenings, but those mornings have remained a mystery.  My day already begins very early--and I'm a night owl by nature. It is already everything I've got in my to be up, have both girls ready, drop the oldest off at her school and be to mine by 7:15.  I know myself.  I'm not waking up at 4.  I'm a night owl who needs plenty of sleep!

I've decided to try a few of things this week to see if they make a difference. First, we've all slacked around here in having our clothes picked out/ironed, etc. the night before.  I've slacked in making menus for the week that include easy yet healthy breakfast choices.  Back to those good habits this week.  I've also decided to add "elevenses" to my day.

I think adding in this intentional quiet 10 minutes for a cup of hot tea and a healthy snack (oh, for scones and pretty little sandwiches--but my waistline can't handle that every day, so more likely to be a Kind bar or some yogurt most days).  Every day we host over 100 kids in the library for our hour-long Mega-Lunch.  That begins at 11:20.  Taking this 10 minutes before that every day to breathe before the crowds come in might be helpful.  I'm hoping it will give me a boost of energy that makes this time better for everyone.  At the very least I won't be starving as I work the crowds, right?  I normally don't get to go to lunch until 12:45 or so----and hangry isn't ever nice, is it?

I'm still in the process of cleaning out my closet and dresser drawers of all the clothes I don't need. The ones that make me feel awkward or ugly or icky in some way. I'm looking at new ways to combine the items I am keeping.  I will never be a fashion maven--that's not my thing anyway, but my goal is to feel so good and comfortable that I'm not sidetracked all day by gaping, pinching, looks-like-my-mom-but-not-me, was-on-sale-so-I-bought-it, paid-too-much-for-it-so-I-must-keep-it clothing. I just want to feel like me--not me in a costume (unless I'm purposefully wearing a costume, which I occasionally do!)

May your St. Patrick's Day be a great one!

1 comment:

  1. You are productive and thoughtful. Calm mornings can make a huge difference to a day. I have learned that tea breaks help to slow down too.
