Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Spring has Sprung (SOLSC Day 1)

Spring is here.

Maybe not calendar-official, but nature tells the true tale. The azaleas are in bloom and they are glorious.  Because I live in the go-from-heat-to-air-conditioner-in-the-same-day south, my curls are also in bloom.  Sometimes they too, are glorious, and sometimes, like yesterday, I had to quick call the school secretary.  "Help! I need some A/C before my hair keeps growing and I can no longer fit through doorways." That air was on PDQ---they've seen my hair.

Yesterday was also the first day my car was covered with the yellow-green dusting of pollen.  Ah, the annual attack-of-the-pollen is here!  I don't try to fight it, y'all.  It is a no-win battle.  I just pop the Zyrtec, run the windshield wipers and go on my merry way.

And of course, the local drunk is up singing all.night.long. to usher in his favorite season. Okay, so he's a mockingbird that nests in the holly bush (well, it's more like a tree at present) right outside my bedroom window, because of course, right?  I've named him The Local Drunk. When I tell you The Local Drunk is singing all night, I mean this literally.  The bird has skills.  He can imitate everything. This gives him a ton of material to keep him going, loud and proud, all dang night.  These are skills which go largely unappreciated due to his terrible timing.  All I can say is he is a lucky nugget to be protected by law.  I try to send mind waves to the cats, but clearly, they are receiving them and yet ignoring me.  No surprise there, I suppose.

Yes, spring has sprung in East Texas.  Now it's time for me to go pomade my hair while being serenaded by the hum of my A/C and the songs of The Local Drunk since it is still dark outside while I get ready for my day.


  1. It feels like it's been spring since like October hasn't it? I have enjoyed the warm sun but the green film of pollen, not so much.

  2. We've had a spring-ish winter in Kentucky, but March certainly came in like a lion today. Happy Slicing!

  3. We've had a spring-ish winter in Kentucky, but March certainly came in like a lion today. Happy Slicing!
