Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I've had a cold or sinus infection since before we rang in the new year.  I've become accustomed to waking up with crusty eyes and am now always prepared with enough tissue and cough drops to stock a Walgreens.  My morning coffee is especially appreciated as it eases my creaky-froggy throat.  I sound like I'm trying to be Kathleen Turner's stand-in.

With all that said, I've been feeling just meh.  I want to be up and at 'em.  I want to feel filled with the positivity and vigor a new year generally ushers in for me.

Currently I just feel more like hunkering down in a pair of flannel pajamas underneath my oh-so-cozy down comforter and only waking up for a spot of tea and some light reading before napping yet again.

With only one more day left of my sick days for the entire school year, that scenario--however lovely it may be--ain't happenin'.

So---I've made NY resolutions.  One of them involves writing more in this blog.
 *yes, it's a resolution again. quit laughing!*

but more than likely my goals will remain along the lines of dragging my sorry hiney out of bed each morning and functioning at whatever level I can muster throughout the day until I can crawl back under the covers again each night until I am fully recovered from this ick.


Read on, gentle readers. Read on.
Mrs. S.


  1. EmergenC!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  2. I even have some EmergenC! I bet it works better when you actually take it than when it lives in your medicine cabinet, huh? Excellent suggestion!

  3. I love dipping my finger in it and eating it like candy -- NOM!!
