Sunday, May 12, 2013

Meeting of the Minds

April 9th was an amazing day as it marked the very first #txlchat librarian chat on Twitter.  Each and every Tuesday evening from 8:00 to 8:30 (Texas time, howdja like that?) a great group of Texas librarians virtually get together and have a meeting of the minds.  I am beyond thrilled and blessed that I was asked to be a founding moderator of this amazing group of information goddesses!  Every week I have learned amazing things and "met" librarians and other educators from all over Texas, and other parts of the US (we Texans are a friendly lot--all are welcome, Texan or not!)  Sharing information makes us ALL stronger! 

The topics are relevant and voted on by the group each week, so you can always count on it to be a time of meaningful Professional Development (PD), which is SO important in today's world.  Librarians, in particular, tend to be a lone wolf in the schoolhouse, with schools rarely having more than one librarian.  Sometime it is even difficult for district librarians to physically get together---and we need that time for learning, growing, brainstorming, and thinking outside the box.  

Sharing ideas is vital to keeping our libraries...well, vital. And I truly believe the world needs libraries and librarians now more than ever---if they are vital, vibrant, amazing spaces (both physical and virtual) where information seekers can be connected with just the right information they need at just the right time that they need it. 

Won't you come join in the fun?   I'd love to "see" you there!  This week's discussion will be on branding your library!

Mrs. S


  1. I love this idea of libraries using Twitter to share ideas about all things libraries! It's great to see libraries making use of this fun and effective tool we like to call Twitter!

  2. Isn't it great! Join us tomorrow night if you can! :)
